PA Questers Official Website
Welcome to our Website!
Pennsylvania Questers is dedicated to promoting education, history, antiques, and the preservation of historic sites and artifacts. As our founder Bess Bardens said, “We study the past to improve the future.”
Click on the pamphlet icon to view our brochure
The website is still a work in progress. We look forward to contributions of content (particularly photos) from Quester Chapters all over the state. Please send them to [email protected].
The Events Calendar is regularly updated and revised as needed. We hope it helps to keep you informed.
For information on how to join a Questers chapter, or to start your own, click CONTACT on this site. Or you may email Pennsylvania Questers directly at: [email protected]
Be sure to check our Facebook Page at Pennsylvania Questers.
Learn more about International Questers at:Â Â www.questers1944.org